Avrupa uydu ZAP ve Rehberi
to KingOfSat.net, a web site dedicated to European satellite television since
March 1997.
focuses on all satellites receivable in Europe, from 75°East to 58°West.
24980 programmes and feeds from
162 countries, transmitted through
16219 analog and digital frequencies are listed here today.
Main features:
- Satellite
and frequency charts. All channels available per satellite are listed
with their frequencies, language, package, PID, etc... Two displaying modes
are possible: You may use the chart mode for full-text listing or the zapping
mode to have a channel picture preview.
- Find out new
channels and latest technical updates (frequency, encryption changes...) Changes
are reported every day in the NEWS section.
- Personalized
selections can be made while listing satellite frequencies using filters and
sortings (Free to air only or all channels, sorting by frequency, name or
- The
Channel Directory, listing all TV stations in alphabetical order with
their technical information.
- The
Channel search utility is useful when looking for a specific TV channel.
Search is possible by channel name, country, category, encryption, satellite...
- All mentioned TV stations have a link to their web site, if exists.
- Reception reports for all beams across Europe. these reports are populated thanks to you, the
contributors. They are build upon your indication of reception and reported in an Europe map at your previously defined latitude/longitude. More information in the Beams section.
- Picture snapshots from almost all TV stations (Free To Air and encrypted), thanks to contributors
across Europe.
- Links to Live video streams when available on the internet.
- Go to the Channel Cemetery if looking for a TV station that has ceased broadcasting on satellite (keep in mind a channel can cease broadcasting in Europe but can eventually
continue transmitting outside European satellite beams).
Your updates/contributions are more than welcome: e-mail the webmaster! info@kingofsat.net
Special thanks to translators: Tobias V (German), Martin M (Swedish), Yohann C (Spanish), Yiorgos (sdtv, Greek),
Jarkko Lehtola (Satman, Suomi), Mariano Izzo (Italian),
Andrej Pytkow (Russian), Hocine Aissani (Arabic), H.Guder (Turkish), Aleksandar Miladinovic (Serbo-Croatian),
Robert Barsan (Romanian), Gabor Borbély (Hungarian), Lukasz Gorski (Polish), Luan Morina (Albanian). Big thanks for your contributions in KingOfSat translations
All contents on this site are protected by copyright and owned by KingOfSat, except contents shown in some screenshots that belong to their respective owners. Screenshots are only proposed to help illustrating, identifying and promoting corresponding TV channels. For all questions/remarks related to copyright, please contact KingOfSat webmaster.