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Adına tıkla kanal girişini değiştir

en son guncelleme: 2025-03-27 22:34

Adı Ülkesi
Adı, Pos. Freq/Pol SR, FEC Şifre SID Video Audio son güncelleme
O Kanal Bosna Hersek
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 11402.00 V 17500 3/4 sifresiz 4001 4209 4211 bos  2024-10-19
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 11231.00 V 42000 5/6 Irdeto 2
751 251 3511 bos  2024-10-03
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 11402.00 V 17500 3/4 sifresiz 4005 4257 4259 bos  2024-07-07
O! Russia
Express AT1 (56.0°E) 12188.00 L 27500 3/4 DRE-Crypt
25017 2821 2822 rus  2024-03-23
  O! International Russia
TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat (52.0°E) 12226.00 V 28000 5/6 Conax 513 1513 2513 aac rus  2024-03-22
Intelsat 38 (45.0°E) 11469.00 H 19000 5/6 Irdeto 2 550 551 552 rus  2023-08-28
Objieqtivi TV Gürcistan
Azerspace-1 (46.0°E) 11095.00 H 30000 5/6 sifresiz 8 1080 1081 eng  2025-02-04
Oblastnoe Televidenie Russia
Express AT1 (56.0°E) 12284.00 R 27500 3/4 sifresiz 3 502 702 rus  2018-10-31
OBN Bosna Hersek
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 11553.75 H 30000 3/4 Irdeto 2
1755 255 3551 bos  2021-10-02
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 11402.00 V 17500 3/4 sifresiz 4006 4193 4195 bos  2024-10-19
Astra 3C (23.5°E) 12422.00 H 30000 3/4 Conax
Nagravision 3
20241 2411 2412 bos  2024-09-03
  OBN Gaammee Ethiopia
Belintersat 1 (51.5°E) 3614.00 R 2607 5/6 sifresiz 1 512 4112  2021-08-24
OBN HD (Oromia) Ethiopia
Belintersat 1 (51.5°E) 3634.00 R 4810 5/6 sifresiz 1 512 4112 oro
OBN Horn of Africa undefined
NSS 12 (57.0°E) 3916.00 R 4167 2/3 sifresiz 1 512 4112
OCE HD Ukraine
Astra 4A (4.8°E) 12073.00 H 30000 2/3 sifresiz 6560 6561 6562  2023-07-13
Ocean TV Russia
Belintersat 1 (51.5°E) 11290.00 H 45000 3/4 DRE-Crypt 2108 811 821 rus  2025-03-27
Òcko Çekiye
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 11094.00 V 27500 4/5 Conax 1206 1601 1602 eng
1603 eng 
Intelsat 10-02 (0.8°W) 12607.00 V 28800 3/5 Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
11022 2202 2203 aac cze  2023-07-16
Ocko Star Çekiye
Astra 3C (23.5°E) 12090.00 V 29900 3/4 sifresiz 777 3101 3111 cze  2025-02-10
OCS Fransa
Astra 1N (19.2°E) 12168.00 V 29700 2/3 Nagravision 3 9302 210 221 fra
222 eng
223 qad 
Odisseia Portekiz
Hispasat 30W-5 (30.0°W) 12360.00 H 27500 3/4 Nagravision 3 318 7638 7639 por  2022-08-28
oe24.TV Avusturya
Astra 1P (19.2°E) 11273.25 H 22000 2/3 sifresiz 13314 3140 3141 ger  2025-01-17
Off TV undefined
Badr 8 (26.0°E) 12303.00 H 27500 5/6 sifresiz 33 3331 3332 aac  2024-08-19
Ohota & Rybalka Russia
Hot Bird 13F (13.0°E) 12654.00 H 30000 5/6 Irdeto 2
227 2227 2327 aac rus  2025-03-07
Eutelsat 36D (36.0°E) 11221.00 H 30000 2/3 Irdeto 2 1009 2191 2192 rus  2024-11-14
Hellas Sat 3 (39.0°E) 12118.00 H 30000 5/6 Conax 134 4401 4402 aac rus  2023-11-01
BulgariaSat (1.9°E) 12360.00 V 30000 2/3 BulCrypt
127 635 636 rus  2022-05-07
  Oireachtas TV Ireland
Astra 2F (28.2°E) 12148.50 H 27500 2/3 VideoGuard 5257 538 685 eng  2024-08-31
  Olympia TV HD Fransa
Astra 1N (19.2°E) 12285.00 V 29700 2/3 Mediaguard 3
Nagravision 3
17032 132 232 fra
332 qaa
432 qad 
  Olympiakos SL Pass Yunanistan
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) 12207.00 H 27500 2/3 VideoGuard 1096 496 596 gre
696 eng 
  Om Ino Yemim Russia
TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat (52.0°E) 12380.00 V 28000 5/6 Conax 713 1713 2713 aac rus  2024-04-18
Oman TV Oman
Arabsat 5C (20.0°E) 3934.00 L 27500 7/8 sifresiz 3004 3024 3034  2021-08-01
Badr 8 (26.0°E) 12456.00 H 27500 3/4 sifresiz 10 110 120 ara  2024-03-23
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 12130.00 V 27500 3/4 sifresiz 1205 1110 1120 ara  2020-11-29
Oman TV Culture HD Oman
Badr 8 (26.0°E) 12456.00 H 27500 3/4 sifresiz 90 910 920 ara  2023-12-01
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 12130.00 V 27500 3/4 sifresiz 1204 1010 1020 ara  2020-11-29
Oman TV HD Oman
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 12130.00 V 27500 3/4 sifresiz 1201 1310 1320 ara  2020-11-29
Hot Bird 13G (13.0°E) 12399.00 H 29700 2/3 sifresiz 920 340 341  2023-09-11
Badr 8 (26.0°E) 12456.00 H 27500 3/4 sifresiz 30 310 320 ara  2024-03-23
Oman TV Live HD Oman
Badr 8 (26.0°E) 12456.00 H 27500 3/4 sifresiz 80 810 820 ara  2023-12-01
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 12130.00 V 27500 3/4 sifresiz 1203 1810 1820 ara  2020-11-29
Oman TV Sport HD Oman
Badr 8 (26.0°E) 12456.00 H 27500 3/4 sifresiz 70 710 720 ara  2024-03-23
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 12130.00 V 27500 3/4 sifresiz 1202 1720 1710 ara  2020-11-29
Omid-E-Iran U.S.A.
TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat (52.0°E) 11221.00 V 27500 2/3 sifresiz 10 1001 1002 aac far  2025-01-10
Omide Javdan undefined
TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat (52.0°E) 10762.00 H 30000 3/4 sifresiz 18 1801 1802 aac  2024-07-16
Omroep Brabant Televisie Hollanda
Astra 3C (23.5°E) 12187.50 H 29900 3/4 Mediaguard 3
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 5.0
21096 596 296 ned  2025-03-06
Omrop Fryslân Hollanda
Astra 3C (23.5°E) 12187.50 H 29900 3/4 Mediaguard 3
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 5.0
21069 569 269 ned  2025-03-06
On E undefined
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 11862.00 V 27500 5/6 sifresiz 206 2016 2017 ara  2021-02-28
On E HD undefined
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 11862.00 V 27500 5/6 sifresiz 202 2004 2005 ara  2022-08-14
ON Drama undefined
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 11862.00 V 27500 5/6 sifresiz 208 2022 2023 ara  2021-02-28
On4 TV Turkiye
Turksat 3A (42.0°E) 12729.00 V 30000 2/3 sifresiz 51634 6634 6734 tur  2018-08-14
Onda Novara TV Italya
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) 12303.00 V 31400 2/3 sifresiz 1034 1430 1431 aac  2023-01-24
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) 12303.00 V 31400 2/3 sifresiz 1014 100 200 aac ita  2023-01-24
One America News U.S.A.
Hot Bird 13G (13.0°E) 11355.00 V 27500 3/4 sifresiz 1505 5051 5052 aac eng  2024-12-23
Hot Bird 13F (13.0°E) 11785.00 H 27500 3/4 sifresiz 705 7051 7052 aac eng  2025-03-08
Eutelsat 7 West A (7.0°W) 11295.97 H 27500 3/4 sifresiz 501 5011 5012 aac eng  2024-12-09
  One Channel HD Yunanistan
Hot Bird 13F (13.0°E) 11938.00 H 30000 5/6 Irdeto 2 7109 518 710 gre  2024-12-17
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) 12054.00 H 27500 2/3 VideoGuard 1045 445 545 gre  2019-05-24
One HD Almanya
Astra 1P (19.2°E) 11052.75 H 22000 2/3 sifresiz 10376 5411 5412 ger
5413 mis
5416 ger 
One HD Channel undefined
Badr 8 (26.0°E) 11976.82 V 27500 3/4 sifresiz 22 122 222 ara  2024-05-31
One Music Television Almanya
Astra 1N (19.2°E) 11836.50 H 27500 3/4 sifresiz 28111 811 8101 ger  2025-02-01
One Terra Almanya
Astra 1N (19.2°E) 12610.50 V 22000 3/4 sifresiz 10552 767 768 ger  2025-03-08
Astra 1M (19.2°E) 12109.50 H 27500 3/4 sifresiz 28224 767 768 ger  2025-02-01
  One Terra HD Almanya
Astra 1N (19.2°E) 12640.00 V 23500 3/4 Marlin
Nagravision 3
10600 255 256 ger  2023-12-11
One TV Dubai Emirates
Eutelsat 7 West A (7.0°W) 11487.77 H 27500 7/8 sifresiz 1503 5031 5032 ara  2023-07-03
  OneToro TV İspanya
Hispasat 30W-5 (30.0°W) 12476.00 H 27500 3/4 Nagravision 3 4853 5317 5318 aac esp  2023-08-11
ONM Ethiopia
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 11843.00 V 27500 5/6 sifresiz 15 1510 1520  2025-02-15
ONS Hollanda
Astra 3C (23.5°E) 11739.00 V 29900 3/4 Mediaguard 3
Nagravision 3
Viaccess 5.0
6067 520 96 ned  2025-02-10
Ontime Sports undefined
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 11862.00 V 27500 5/6 sifresiz 207 2019 2020 ara
Ontime Sports 2 undefined
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 11862.00 V 27500 5/6 sifresiz 205 2013 2014 ara
Ontime Sports 2 HD undefined
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 11862.00 V 27500 5/6 sifresiz 201 2001 2002 ara
Ontime Sports HD undefined
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 11862.00 V 27500 5/6 sifresiz 203 2007 2008 ara
  Open Beyond HD Yunanistan
Hot Bird 13F (13.0°E) 12169.00 H 30000 5/6 Irdeto 2 358 530 860 gre  2024-11-21
Hellas Sat 3 (39.0°E) 12337.30 H 11570 2/3 BISS 1400 1410 1412 gre  2022-06-20
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) 12284.00 H 27500 2/3 VideoGuard 1029 429 529 gre  2020-03-01
  Open Beyond TV Yunanistan
Hellas Sat 3 (39.0°E) 12414.00 H 11568 2/3 BISS 3400 3410 3412 gre  2025-03-08
OPLOT (DNR) Russia
Express AT1 (56.0°E) 12245.00 R 27500 3/4 CryptOn 2803 1231 1232 rus  2023-10-02
Opsis TV Fransa
Eutelsat 5 West B (5.0°W) 11679.00 V 29950 2/3 sifresiz 801 1911   2020-08-06
Or Hachaim (SatView) undefined
Eutelsat 7B (7.0°E) 12529.50 H 1480 1/2 sifresiz 257 257 258 eng  2023-06-03
Ora News Arnavutluk
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 10762.25 H 30000 3/5 Conax 1180 1181 1182 alb
1183 alb 
ORA News HD Arnavutluk
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 10762.25 H 30000 3/5 Conax 1440 1441 1442 alb  2023-07-24
  Orange Bangla Hindistan
Intelsat 17 (66.0°E) 3894.00 H 13840 5/6 sifresiz 16 216 316 ben  2024-08-26
  Orange Info (Romania) Romanya
Hellas Sat 3 (39.0°E) 12328.00 V 30000 3/4 Viaccess 2.6
284 384 484 rom  2025-03-08
Orange TV Farsi undefined
TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat (52.0°E) 10845.00 V 27500 2/3 sifresiz 39 3901 3902 aac far  2025-03-08
ORF 1 HD Avusturya
Astra 1P (19.2°E) 11302.75 H 22000 2/3 Cryptoworks
Irdeto 2
Viaccess 5.0
4911 1920 1921 ger
1922 mis 
Hot Bird 13F (13.0°E) 11096.00 H 30000 2/3 Panaccess 109 1091 1092 ger
1093 mis 
ORF 2 Burgenland Avusturya
Astra 1P (19.2°E) 11273.25 H 22000 2/3 Cryptoworks
Irdeto 2
Viaccess 5.0
13303 3000 3001 ger
3002 mis 
ORF 2 Europe Avusturya
Astra 1P (19.2°E) 11273.25 H 22000 2/3 sifresiz 13310 3100 3101 ger  2025-01-17
ORF 2 HD Avusturya
Astra 1P (19.2°E) 11302.75 H 22000 2/3 Cryptoworks
Irdeto 2
Viaccess 5.0
4912 2920 2921 ger
2922 mis 
Hot Bird 13F (13.0°E) 11096.00 H 30000 2/3 Panaccess 110 1101 1102 ger  2024-06-23
ORF 2 Kärnten Avusturya
Astra 1P (19.2°E) 11273.25 H 22000 2/3 Cryptoworks
Irdeto 2
Viaccess 5.0
13302 3000 3001 ger
3002 mis 
ORF 2 OberÖsterreich Avusturya
Astra 1P (19.2°E) 11273.25 H 22000 2/3 Cryptoworks
Irdeto 2
Viaccess 5.0
13304 3000 3001 ger
3002 mis 
ORF 2 Salzburg Avusturya
Astra 1P (19.2°E) 11273.25 H 22000 2/3 Cryptoworks
Irdeto 2
Viaccess 5.0
13305 3000 3001 ger
3002 mis 
ORF 2 Steiermark Avusturya
Astra 1P (19.2°E) 11273.25 H 22000 2/3 Cryptoworks
Irdeto 2
Viaccess 5.0
13301 3000 3001 ger
3002 mis 
ORF 2 Tirol Avusturya
Astra 1P (19.2°E) 11273.25 H 22000 2/3 Cryptoworks
Irdeto 2
Viaccess 5.0
13306 3000 3001 ger
3002 mis 
ORF 2 Vorarlberg Avusturya
Astra 1P (19.2°E) 11273.25 H 22000 2/3 Cryptoworks
Irdeto 2
Viaccess 5.0
13307 3000 3001 ger
3002 mis 
  ORF 3 Avusturya
Hot Bird 13F (13.0°E) 11096.00 H 30000 2/3 Panaccess 116 1161 1162 ger  2024-11-07
  ORF III HD Avusturya
Astra 1P (19.2°E) 11273.25 H 22000 2/3 Cryptoworks
Irdeto 2
Viaccess 5.0
13308 3080 3081 ger
3082 mis 
  ORF Sport+ HD Avusturya
Astra 1P (19.2°E) 11273.25 H 22000 2/3 Cryptoworks
Irdeto 2
Viaccess 5.0
13309 3090 3091 ger
3092 mis 
Hot Bird 13F (13.0°E) 11096.00 H 30000 2/3 Panaccess 118 1181 1182 ger  2024-06-23
Origen Channel Colombia
SES-6 (40.5°W) 4111.00 L 5453 2/3 sifresiz 6122 513 4122 esp  2024-12-26
  Orizont TV Macaristan
Hellas Sat 3 (39.0°E) 12565.00 V 30000 7/8 Viaccess 2.6
314 46 47  2023-03-14
Orler TV Italya
Hot Bird 13F (13.0°E) 12519.60 V 27500 2/3 sifresiz 9005 1051 1052  2024-11-07
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) 12111.00 V 31400 2/3 sifresiz 7183 1040 1041 ita  2024-01-23
Oromia 11 Ethiopia
Yahsat 1A (52.5°E) 12073.00 V 27500 5/6 sifresiz 71 7110 7120  2024-05-09
Oromia TV Ethiopia
Belintersat 1 (51.5°E) 3624.00 R 4810 5/6 sifresiz 1 512 4112
Express AMU1 (36.0°E) 12360.00 H 27500 2/3 Irdeto 2 2706 369 371 amh  2025-02-22
ORT International (Perviy kanal Vsemirnaja set) Russia
TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat (52.0°E) 12226.00 V 28000 5/6 Conax 501 1501 2501 aac rus  2024-03-22
TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat (52.0°E) 10887.00 H 30000 3/4 Conax 922 1922 2922 rus  2024-06-17
Eutelsat 8 West B (8.0°W) 3889.00 L 2982 3/4 sifresiz 1 776 598 fra
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) 11900.00 H 27500 2/3 sifresiz 116 1161 1162 fra  2022-12-04
ORTC Fransa
Eutelsat 10B (10.0°E) 12642.70 V 2061 3/4 sifresiz 1 4194 4195 fra
4197 fra 
ORTM 1 Mali
Intelsat 35 (34.5°W) 11525.00 V 12333 3/4 sifresiz 1 310 321 fra  2024-11-25
Intelsat 37e (18.0°W) 4096.00 L 7324 3/4 sifresiz 1 110 121 fra  2024-04-18
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) 12034.00 V 27500 3/4 sifresiz 354 310 321 fra  2024-10-19
ORTM 2 Mali
Intelsat 37e (18.0°W) 4096.00 L 7324 3/4 sifresiz 2 210 221 fra  2024-02-18
Intelsat 35 (34.5°W) 11525.00 V 12333 3/4 sifresiz 2 410 421 eng  2024-11-25
Oscar Movies Bhojpuri Hindistan
Intelsat 20 (IS-20) (68.5°E) 4117.00 V 8800 5/6 sifresiz 9 209 309 hin  2022-03-12
OSM Cinema undefined
Es'hail 2 (26.0°E) 11310.00 V 30000 2/3 sifresiz 20523 123 223   2025-03-08
OSM Drama undefined
Es'hail 2 (26.0°E) 11310.00 V 30000 2/3 sifresiz 20521 121 221 ara  2025-03-08
  OSN Action HD United Arab Emirates
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 11996.00 H 30000 3/4 BetaCrypt
Irdeto 2
302 202 302 eng
402 eng 
  OSN Cinema HD United Arab Emirates
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 11727.00 H 30000 3/4 BetaCrypt 5662 202 302 eng
402 ara 
  OSN Comedy HD United Arab Emirates
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 12073.00 H 30000 3/4 VeriMatrix 4508 208 408 eng  2024-01-09
  OSN First HD United Arab Emirates
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 11996.00 H 30000 3/4 BetaCrypt
Irdeto 2
304 204 304 eng
404 eng 
  OSN Movies Disney HD United Arab Emirates
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 11727.00 H 30000 3/4 BetaCrypt 5666 206 306 eng
406 ara 
  OSN Movies First HD +2 United Arab Emirates
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 11727.00 H 30000 3/4 BetaCrypt 5669 209 309 eng
409 ara 
  OSN Movies HD United Arab Emirates
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 11996.00 H 30000 3/4 BetaCrypt
Irdeto 2
301 201 301 eng
401 eng
501 ara 
OSN Series +2 HD United Arab Emirates
Eutelsat 8 West B (8.0°W) 11137.00 H 27500 5/6 VeriMatrix 2705 54 53 eng  2024-07-08
  OSN Sports 2 HD United Arab Emirates
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 11996.00 H 30000 3/4 BetaCrypt
Irdeto 2
305 205 305 eng
405 eng 
  OSN TV Kids United Arab Emirates
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 12073.00 H 30000 3/4 VeriMatrix 4506 206 406 eng
506 ara 
  OSN TV Mezze United Arab Emirates
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 12073.00 H 30000 3/4 VeriMatrix 4501 201 401 eng  2024-01-09
  OSN TV Movies Hollywood United Arab Emirates
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 12073.00 H 30000 3/4 VeriMatrix 4503 203 403 eng  2024-01-09
  OSN TV Now United Arab Emirates
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 12073.00 H 30000 3/4 VeriMatrix 4502 202 402 eng
502 ara 
  OSN Ya Hala Cinema HD United Arab Emirates
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 11996.00 H 30000 3/4 BetaCrypt
Irdeto 2
306 206 406 ara  2017-08-27
OSN Ya Hala! HD United Arab Emirates
Nilesat 201 (7.0°W) 12073.00 H 30000 3/4 VeriMatrix 4509 209 409 ara
509 mul 
Ost/West 24 Fransa
Hot Bird 13G (13.0°E) 10949.40 V 27500 2/3 sifresiz 111 1100 1101 rus  2024-02-12
  Oto Slovenia
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E) 11595.25 V 30000 3/4 Irdeto 2
1371 271 3711 slo  2024-12-28
OTR Russia
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3842.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2023-08-14
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3965.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2023-08-13
Express AT1 (56.0°E) 12168.00 R 27500 3/4 CryptOn
DVB Scrambling
2409 1091 1092 rus  2025-02-03
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3972.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-05-07
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3643.00 R 15284 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2022-05-01
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3628.00 L 20582 5/6 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-05-31
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3702.00 R 5120 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2024-02-17
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3615.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2023-09-02
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3858.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-17
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3696.00 R 5120 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2024-02-17
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3885.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-10
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3822.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-17
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3785.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz
1090 1091 1092 rus  2023-01-15
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3872.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-17
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3857.00 R 5130 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-17
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3977.00 L 15284 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2022-05-01
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3921.00 R 5120 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-24
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3708.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-17
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 4085.00 L 15245 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2023-09-23
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3728.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-28
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3922.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2023-04-30
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3758.00 L 5120 3/4 DVB Scrambling 1090 1091 1092 rus  2022-11-25
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3942.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-24
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3765.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-17
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3808.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2023-09-17
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3792.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz
1090 1091 1092 rus  2023-01-15
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3772.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-17
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3665.00 R 15284 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2023-09-23
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3722.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2024-06-18
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3628.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz
1090 1091 1092 rus  2023-01-15
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3828.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2024-11-06
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3858.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2022-05-01
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3835.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-10
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3594.00 R 5120 3/4 sifresiz
1090 1091 1092 rus  2023-12-17
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3628.00 R 5120 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2022-10-06
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3915.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz
1090 1091 1092 rus  2023-01-15
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3958.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2023-08-15
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3635.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2023-09-23
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3992.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-24
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3704.00 L 15284 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2022-05-01
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3892.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-10
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3803.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2022-05-01
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3621.00 R 5130 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-17
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3778.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-10
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3865.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-10
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3878.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-10
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3864.00 R 5130 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2022-05-01
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3881.00 R 5130 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2022-05-01
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3665.00 L 15284 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-10
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3964.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2023-08-15
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3715.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-24
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3908.00 L 5140 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2025-03-27
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3735.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2025-03-16
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3928.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2025-03-16
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3642.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2024-02-18
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3978.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-05-09
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 3704.00 R 5130 3/4 sifresiz 1090 1091 1092 rus  2024-12-27
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3985.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-20
Yamal 601 (49.0°E) 4018.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-30
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3815.00 L 5120 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-24
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3622.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-20
Express AM 7 (40.0°E) 3822.00 L 5130 3/4 sifresiz
Roscrypt 2
1090 1091 1092 rus  2021-04-17
Otto Channel Italya
Eutelsat 9B (9.0°E) 12303.00 V 31400 2/3 sifresiz 8007 3360 3361 ita  2022-07-03
OTV Lebanon Lübnan
Badr 8 (26.0°E) 11976.82 V 27500 3/4 sifresiz 26 126 226 ara  2023-12-18
OTV Ukraine Ukraine
Astra 4A (4.8°E) 11785.00 V 27500 5/6 VideoGuard 10155 4321 4322 aac rus  2022-06-02
Outdoor Channel U.S.A.
Hot Bird 13G (13.0°E) 11355.00 V 27500 3/4 sifresiz 1502 5021 5022 aac eng  2024-12-23
Outdoor Channel EMEA HD U.S.A.
Hot Bird 13F (13.0°E) 11785.00 H 27500 3/4 sifresiz 702 7021 7022 aac eng  2025-03-08
Owazy TV
TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat (52.0°E) 12302.85 V 27500 2/3 sifresiz 206 106 133 tuk  2021-05-01
  OWN Caribbean HD undefined
Intelsat 21 (58.0°W) 3880.00 V 30000 8/9 PowerVu 180 1860 1804 eng  2023-08-20
OXIR undefined
TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat (52.0°E) 10845.00 V 27500 2/3 sifresiz 803 8031 8062 far  2025-03-08
Oxygene Pakistan
Paksat 1R (38.0°E) 4033.00 H 2400 3/4 sifresiz 1 420 421 urd  2021-05-10
Oyoun AlWatan undefined
Eutelsat 7 West A (7.0°W) 12402.00 V 30000 3/4 sifresiz 4203 6201 5202 ara  2019-06-26
Ozone Network Macaristan
Thor 5 (0.8°W) 12188.00 V 28000 7/8 Conax
Irdeto 2
Nagravision 3
2690 598 932 hun  2023-08-23
O`zbekiston 24 Özbekistan
TurkmenÄlem/MonacoSat (52.0°E) 10925.00 H 27500 3/4 sifresiz 12 212 312 uzb
3312 eng 



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