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BTV (Tüm uydular) - 41 Kayıt(lar) - en son guncelleme: CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
BulgariaSat (1.9°E)
1.9°E 3BulgariaSat 12322.00V-EuropeDVB-S28PSK30000 2/359.4 Mb/s 319 KingOfSat charts update form
bTV Comedy HD Bulgaristan Komedi Neosat BulCrypt
222 1110 1111 bul  1112  1110    2022-05-07 +
bTV Story HD Bulgaristan Entertainment Neosat BulCrypt
223 1115 1116 bul  1117  1115    2024-06-28 +
bTV Cinema HD Bulgaristan Filmler Neosat BulCrypt
233 1165 1166 bul  1167  1165    2024-01-25 +
1.9°E 2BulgariaSat 12341.00H-EuropeDVB-S28PSK30000 2/3neosat, 59.4 Mb/s 315 KingOfSat charts update form
BTV HD Bulgaria Bulgaristan Genel Neosat BulCrypt
137 704 705 bul  706  704    2023-06-14 +
bTV Action HD Bulgaristan Seriler Neosat BulCrypt
146 739 740 bul  741  739    2025-02-17 +
Astra 4A / SES 5 (4.8°E)
4.8°E 1Astra 4A 11785.00VB4BSS NordicDVB-S28PSK27500 5/6AMB, 66.6 Mb/s 85201 KingOfSat charts update form
Baltijos televizija Lithuania Genel TV3 Group VideoGuard 10145 4281 4282 aac lit  4280  4281    2018-09-19 +
Hot Bird 13F / Hot Bird 13G (13.0°E)
13.0°E 6Hot Bird 13F 12635.00V96South EastDVB-S28PSK30000 5/6n/a 00 KingOfSat charts update form
bTV Radio NURTS sifresiz 31   107 bul  108  107    2024-04-01
bTV Action Bulgaristan Entertainment Vivacom Irdeto 2
7 301 302 bul  303  301    2024-04-01 +
BTV Bulgaria Bulgaristan Genel Vivacom Irdeto 2
1 32 56 bul  36  32    2024-04-01 +
bTV Comedy Bulgaristan Komedi Vivacom Irdeto 2
3 44 45 bul  48  44    2024-04-01 +
BTV Cinema Bulgaristan Filmler Vivacom Irdeto 2
4 46 47 bul  49  46    2024-04-01 +
bTV Story Bulgaristan Entertainment Vivacom Irdeto 2
6 53 54 bul  55  53    2024-04-01 +
13.0°E 2Hot Bird 13F 12673.00V98South EastDVB-S28PSK30000 5/6n/a 3189800 KingOfSat charts update form
Adı Ülkesi Kategori Paketler Şifre SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT son güncelleme
BTV HD Bulgaria Bulgaristan Genel Vivacom Irdeto 2
318 3218 3318 aac bul  3118  3218    2024-04-01 +
bTV Action HD Bulgaristan Seriler Vivacom Irdeto 2
319 3219 3319 aac eng  3119  3219    2024-04-01 +
Eutelsat 16A (16.0°E)
16.0°E 1Eutelsat 16A 12537.00VF02Europe BDVB-S2
PLS: Gold+210115
Stream 3
13917 3/419.9 Mb/s 82925300 KingOfSat charts update form
BTV Bulgaria Bulgaristan Genel sifresiz 2 5152 5153 bul  5151  5152    2024-08-22 +
Hellas Sat 3 / Hellas Sat 4 (39.0°E)
39.0°E 3Hellas Sat 3 12118.00H-Europe KuDVB-S28PSK30000 5/672.7 Mb/s 926177 KingOfSat charts update form
BTV Cinema Bulgaristan Filmler A1 Bulgaria Conax 120 3001 3002 aac bul  3000  3001    2023-11-01 +
bTV Comedy Bulgaristan Komedi A1 Bulgaria Conax 121 3101 3102 aac bul  3100  3101    2023-11-01 +
bTV Story HD Bulgaristan Entertainment A1 Bulgaria Conax 122 3201 3202 aac bul  3200  3201    2023-12-14 +
39.0°E 2Hellas Sat 3 12137.00V-Europe KuDVB-S28PSK30000 5/6A1 BG HellasSat 39E, 72.7 Mb/s 926178 KingOfSat charts update form
BTV HD Bulgaria Bulgaristan Genel A1 Bulgaria Conax 213 2301 2302 aac bul  2300  2301    2025-03-08 +
bTV Action HD Bulgaristan Seriler A1 Bulgaria Conax 214 2401 2402 aac bul  2400  2401    2025-03-08 +
39.0°E 3Hellas Sat 3 12271.00H-Europe KuDVB-S28PSK30000 5/6Bulsatcom, 72.7 Mb/s 11 KingOfSat charts update form
bTV Story Bulgaristan Entertainment Bulsatcom Conax
Nagravision 3
513 656 657 aac bul  658  656    2025-03-08 +
BTV Cinema Bulgaristan Filmler Bulsatcom Conax
Nagravision 3
506 901 902 aac bul  903  901    2025-03-08 +
bTV Comedy Bulgaristan Komedi Bulsatcom Conax
Nagravision 3
507 908 909 aac bul  910  908    2025-03-08 +
39.0°E 2Hellas Sat 3 12463.00H-Europe KuDVB-S28PSK30000 5/6Bulsatcom, 72.7 Mb/s 15 KingOfSat charts update form
Adı Ülkesi Kategori Paketler Şifre SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT son güncelleme
BTV HD Bulgaria Bulgaristan Genel Bulsatcom Conax
Nagravision 3
207 527 528 bul  529  527    2024-08-04 +
bTV Action HD Bulgaristan Seriler Bulsatcom Conax
Nagravision 3
137 704 705 bul  706  704    2024-05-11 +
39.0°E 4Hellas Sat 3 12524.00H-Europe KuDVB-SQPSK30000 7/8Bulsatcom, 48.4 Mb/s 16 KingOfSat charts update form
bTV Action Bulgaristan Entertainment Bulsatcom Conax
Nagravision 3
203 704 705 aac bul  706  704    2024-12-18 +
BTV Bulgaria Bulgaristan Genel Bulsatcom Conax
Nagravision 3
1192 80 81 aac bul  105  80    2024-10-19 +
BTV Cinema Bulgaristan Filmler Bulsatcom Conax
Nagravision 3
436 901 902 aac bul  903  901    2024-12-18 +
bTV Comedy Bulgaristan Komedi Bulsatcom Conax
Nagravision 3
437 908 909 aac bul  910  908    2024-12-18 +
Intelsat 38 (45.0°E)
45.0°E 5Intelsat 38 12520.00V-EuropeDVB-S28PSK30000 5/6VIVACOM, 72.7 Mb/s 21310 KingOfSat charts update form
BTV Bulgaria Bulgaristan Genel Vivacom Irdeto 2
1001 1201 1301 aac bul  1101  1201    2024-12-27 +
BTV Cinema Bulgaristan Filmler Vivacom Irdeto 2
1004 1204 1304 aac bul  1104  1204    2024-12-27 +
bTV Story Bulgaristan Entertainment Vivacom Irdeto 2
1006 1206 1306 aac bul  1106  1206    2024-12-27 +
bTV Comedy Bulgaristan Komedi Vivacom Irdeto 2
1033 1233 1333 aac bul  1133  1233    2024-12-27 +
bTV Action Bulgaristan Entertainment Vivacom Irdeto 2
1077 1277 1377 aac bul  1177  1277    2024-12-27 +
Intelsat 20 (IS-20) (68.5°E)
68.5°E 4Intelsat 20 (IS-20) 12634.00V31KEurope/AfricaDVB-S2QPSK16166 5/6DBS, 26.8 Mb/s 11 KingOfSat charts update form
Botswana TV Genel DBS sifresiz 32 1001 1002 eng  86  1003    2024-04-01 +
Botswana TV Genel DBS sifresiz 56 101 102 eng  8136  103    2018-10-16 +
Channel 2 (Botswana) Genel DBS sifresiz 36 1022 1023 eng  83  1021    2024-04-01 +
BTV News Haberler DBS sifresiz 33 2001 2002 eng  85  2003    2022-10-08 +
68.5°E 1Intelsat 20 (IS-20) 12657.00V31KEurope/AfricaDVB-SQPSK4880 3/46.8 Mb/s 655351 KingOfSat charts update form
Botswana TV Genel DBS sifresiz 1 308 256 eng
32  8190    2020-09-26 +
Hispasat 30W-5 / Hispasat 30W-6 (30.0°W)
30.0°W 2Hispasat 30W-5 12360.00H115EuropeDVB-S28PSK27500 3/4TV Cabo Satelite, 59.9 Mb/s 5438 KingOfSat charts update form
Adı Ülkesi Kategori Paketler Şifre SID VPID Audio PMT PCR TXT son güncelleme
BTV 1 HD Nos Nagravision 3 3806 6529 6530 aac por  817  6529    2023-01-11
BTV HD Nagravision 3 6083 6529 6530 aac por  817  6529    2023-01-10

Kanal mezarlığı (Yayın yapmayan uydu kanalları) - 15 Kayıt(lar)

Adı Ülkesi
Adı, Pos. Freq/Pol SR, FEC Şifre SID Video Audio son güncelleme



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