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Avrupa uydu ZAP ve Rehberi
Kanal arama:
Es'hail 1 (25.5°E) Transponder D7

Yörüngesel pozisyon Uydu Norad .ini News Kanallar Yalnız havayı ac Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation son güncelleme
25.5°E Es'hail 1 39233 42 42 25.46°E -0.05° 0.05° N/A N/A 2024-12-21 19:04

Sıralayan: Şifre: Ekran modu:

6 Kayıt(lar) - Frekansa göre sıralama - en son guncelleme: CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
25.5°E 6Es'hail 1 11604.00HD7MENADVB-SQPSK27500 3/4Al Jazeera, 38 Mb/s 2241050 KingOfSat charts update form
Al Jazeera Satellite Channel Qatar Haberler Al Jazeera sifresiz 10501 512 650 ara  256  512    2015-03-06 +
Al Jazeera Mubasher Qatar Haberler Al Jazeera sifresiz 10502 513 660 ara  257  513    2015-12-19 +

Al Jazeera English
Qatar Haberler Al Jazeera sifresiz 10503 514 670 eng  258  514    2015-03-06 +
Al Jazeera Documentary Qatar Belgeseller Al Jazeera sifresiz 10504 517 700 ara  261  517    2015-03-06 +
Al Jazeera Mubasher 2 Qatar Genel Al Jazeera sifresiz 10505 520 730 ara  266  520    2018-04-30 +
TEST Al Jazeera sifresiz 10506 521 740 ara  267  521    2016-05-17

Detailed transponder stream properties (11604.00 H)

SID Ident. PID Format Colorimetry Width Height Aspect Ratio Frame rate
Sampling rate
Bitrate mode Bitrate Scan type son güncelleme
10501 512 MPEG Video Main, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS VBR Interlaced 2025-01-30
10501 650 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-01-30
10502 513 MPEG Video Main, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS VBR Interlaced 2025-01-30
10502 660 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-01-30
10503 514 MPEG Video Main, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS VBR Interlaced 2025-01-30
10503 670 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-01-30
10504 517 MPEG Video Main, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS VBR Interlaced 2025-01-30
10504 700 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-01-30
10505 520 MPEG Video Main, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS VBR Interlaced 2025-01-30
10505 730 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-01-30
10506 521 MPEG Video Main, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS VBR Interlaced 2025-01-30
10506 740 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-01-30



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4K - Ultra HD

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Video: MPEG-4/AVC/H-264


Video: MPEG-H/HEVC/H-265


Video: MPEG-I/VVC/H-266





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