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Avrupa uydu ZAP ve Rehberi
Kanal arama:
Badr 8 (26.0°E) Transponder 31

Yörüngesel pozisyon Uydu Norad .ini News Kanallar Yalnız havayı ac Longitude Declination now Max declination Azimuth Elevation son güncelleme
26.0°E Badr 4 29526 0 0 26.25°E -0.10° 0.80° N/A N/A 2023-12-17 19:08
26.0°E Badr 5 36592 0 0 26.02°E -0.03° 0.03° N/A N/A 2024-04-27 07:43
26.0°E Badr 8 56757 432 399 26.01°E 0.06° 0.08° N/A N/A 2025-03-26 02:57
26.0°E Badr 7 41029 10 10 25.97°E -0.02° 0.02° N/A N/A 2025-03-20 18:55
26.0°E Es'hail 2 43700 137 69 25.77°E -0.02° 0.02° N/A N/A 2025-03-27 02:57

Sıralayan: Şifre: Ekran modu:

26 Kayıt(lar) - Frekansa göre sıralama - en son guncelleme: CET

Pos Satellite Frequence Pol Txp Beam Standard Modulation SR/FEC Network, bitrate NID TID
26.0°E 26Badr 8 12303.00H31NW AfricaDVB-SQPSK27500 5/642.3 Mb/s 7025231 KingOfSat charts update form
2M National Fas Genel SOREAD 2M sifresiz 16 3161 3162 fra  316  3161    2024-03-23 +
Endowment TV undefined Çeşitli Henmax sifresiz 21 3211 3212 aac eng  321  3211    2024-09-14 +
G-Eye TV Çeşitli Henmax sifresiz 22 3221 3222 eng  322  3221    2025-03-11 +
Star Plus TV Ghana
Genel Henmax sifresiz 23 3231 3232 eng  323  3231    2025-03-11 +
Newday TV Entertainment DTV sifresiz 24 3241 3242  324  3241    2024-10-19 +
Wontumi TV Genel sifresiz 25 3251   325  3251    2025-03-11 +
Fish TV Ghana Genel sifresiz 26 3261 3262 eng  326  3261    2024-10-19 +
Iron TV Genel HenMax sifresiz 27 3271 3272 eng  327  3271    2024-07-31 +
Movement TV Genel sifresiz 28 3281 3282 eng  328  3281    2025-03-14 +
Tevah TV undefined Entertainment sifresiz 29 3291 3292  329  3291    2025-01-29 +
Anidaso TV Çeşitli IPVideoTrans sifresiz 30 3301 3302  330  3301    2024-11-26 +
Al Karma ME1 undefined Genel ViewMedia sifresiz 31 3311 3312 ara  331  3311    2024-10-10 +
ED TV Çeşitli IPVideoTrans sifresiz 32 3321 3322 aac  332  3321    2024-11-20 +
Off TV undefined Çeşitli FFmpeg sifresiz 33 3331 3332 aac  333  3331    2024-08-19 +
Western North TV Bölgesel Encoder Pro sifresiz 35 3351 3352 aac eng  335  3351    2024-09-14 +
Zaa TV Genel sifresiz 36 3361 49 eng  336  3361    2024-12-07 +
Western Diamond TV Genel IPVideoTrans sifresiz 37 3371 3372 aac eng  337  3371    2025-03-11 +
Chairman TV Genel IPVideoTrans sifresiz 38 3381 3382 aac  338  3381    2024-11-22 +
AP TV Genel sifresiz 39 3391 3392 eng  339  3391    2024-09-14 +
Rahma TV Genel FFmpeg sifresiz 40 3401 3402 aac  340  3401    2024-07-22 +
Hannah TV Çeşitli Henmax sifresiz 41 3411 33 eng  341  3411    2025-02-18 +
Northern Gold TV Çeşitli Henmax sifresiz 43 3431 257 eng  343  3431    2025-03-12 +
Billionaire TV Genel SES sifresiz 44 3441 3442 eng  344  3441    2025-03-11 +
Sagani TV Genel sifresiz 45 3451 3452 eng  345  3451    2024-09-20 +
Champion TV Ghana Genel FFmpeg sifresiz 46 3461 3462 aac eng  346  3461    2025-03-20 +
RADIO 2M SOREAD 2M sifresiz 17   3171 eng  317  3171    2024-03-23

Detailed transponder stream properties (12303.00 H)

SID Ident. PID Format Colorimetry Width Height Aspect Ratio Frame rate
Sampling rate
Bitrate mode Bitrate Scan type son güncelleme
16 3161 MPEG Video Main, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS VBR Interlaced 2025-03-28
16 3162 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-03-28
17 3171 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 256000 2025-03-28
21 3211 AVC 3, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS CBR Progressive 2025-03-28
21 3212 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 64000 2025-03-28
22 3221 AVC 3, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS CBR Progressive 2025-03-28
22 3222 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 44100 CBR 64000 2025-03-28
23 3231 AVC 3, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS CBR Progressive 2025-03-28
23 3232 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 44100 CBR 64000 2025-03-28
24 3241 AVC 4, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.364 25.000 FPS Interlaced 2025-03-28
24 3242 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 96000 2025-03-28
25 3251 AVC 3, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS CBR Progressive 2025-03-28
25 3252 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 44100 CBR 64000 2025-03-28
26 3261 AVC 3, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.818 25.000 FPS Interlaced 2025-03-28
26 3262 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 128000 2025-03-28
27 3271 AVC 3.1, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.250 FPS CBR Progressive 2025-03-28
27 3272 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 64000 2025-03-28
28 3281 AVC 3, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS CBR Progressive 2025-03-28
28 3282 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 44100 CBR 256000 2025-03-28
29 3291 AVC 3, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.818 25.000 FPS Interlaced 2025-03-28
29 3292 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-03-28
30 3301 AVC 3, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.250 FPS CBR Progressive 2025-03-28
30 3302 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 64000 2025-03-28
31 3311 AVC 3, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS CBR Progressive 2025-03-28
31 3312 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 64000 2025-03-28
32 3321 AVC 4, High 4:2:0 1920 1080 1.778 FPS CBR Progressive 2025-03-28
32 3322 AACADTS2 channels
Front: L R
48000 VBR 2025-03-28
33 3331 AVC 3.2, Main 4:2:0 1280 720 1.778 FPS Progressive 2025-03-28
33 3332 AACADTS2 channels
Front: L R
48000 VBR 2025-03-28
35 3351 AVC 4.2, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.250 FPS Progressive 2025-03-28
35 3352 AACADTS2 channels
Front: L R
48000 VBR 2025-03-28
36 3361 AVC 3.1, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.364 25.000 FPS Interlaced 2025-03-28
36 3362 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 128000 2025-03-28
37 3371 AVC 3.1, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.250 FPS CBR Progressive 2025-03-28
37 3372 AACADTS2 channels
Front: L R
48000 VBR 2025-03-28
38 3381 AVC 4, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.250 FPS CBR Progressive 2025-03-28
38 3382 AACADTS2 channels
Front: L R
48000 VBR 2025-03-28
39 3391 AVC 3, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.818 25.000 FPS Interlaced 2025-03-28
39 3392 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 128000 2025-03-28
40 256 AVC 4.2, Main 4:2:0 1920 1080 1.778 25.000 FPS Progressive 2025-03-28
40 3402 AACADTS2 channels
Front: L R
48000 VBR 2025-03-28
41 2852 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 192000 2025-03-28
41 3411 AVC 3, Main 4:2:0 720 576 1.818 25.000 FPS Interlaced 2025-03-28
43 257 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 44100 CBR 64000 2025-03-28
43 3431 AVC 3, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS CBR Progressive 2025-03-28
44 3441 AVC 3, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.778 25.000 FPS CBR Progressive 2025-03-28
44 3442 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 44100 CBR 64000 2025-03-28
45 3451 AVC 3.1, High 4:2:0 720 576 1.364 25.000 FPS Interlaced 2025-03-28
45 3452 MPEG Audio, Layer 22 channels 48000 CBR 128000 2025-03-28
46 3461 AVC 3.1, Main 4:2:0 1280 720 1.778 FPS Progressive 2025-03-28
46 3462 AACADTS2 channels
Front: L R
48000 VBR 2025-03-28



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